
Fraud Analytics

Elusive Black Swans – New Ways to Detect Fraud

  In the 17th century, it was a common belief that all swans are white. It was changed when an explorer discovered a black swan, a seemingly impossib...

Artificial Intelligence

Why US hospital admins partner with TransOrg Analytics?

  The per capita healthcare expenditures in the U.S. are more than two times that of other developed countries and estimated to increase by over 65% o...

Boost ROI
Business Analytics

Find Similar Customers and Boost ROI with Targeted Campaigns

  Become a clairvoyant who accurately finds similar customers that matter Your targets are more aggressive than before while your budgets have been sl...

Data-Driven Growing Organization
Machine Learning

Get Insights on the Fly and Build a Data-Driven Growing Organization

 Do you ever wonder how your peers get more work done even when they are on the move? Do you have a large team of analysts who are constantly churning...

Customer Analytics

Trump GST with Advanced Analytics – Part III

Part III: Analytics as your savior: Be proactive in grabbing the opportunities using analyticsThis follows Part I of the series posted on June 21, 20...

Advanced Analytics
Customer Analytics

Trump GST with Advanced Analytics – Part II

Part II: Threats arising out of GST implementationThis follows the Part I of the series posted on June 21, 2017

Customer Analytics

Trump GST with Advanced Analytics

  To know more about GST, please click on the following parts of our blog series Part II: Threats arising out of GS...

Video Analytics
Machine Learning

6 Video Analytics Use Cases Transforming Industry! Discover How.

Video Analytics Organizations have started realizing the importance of data. They are capturing data from different sources like transactions, custome...

Digital Ad Aampaigns
Machine Learning

How can Analytics help you Optimize Digital Ad Aampaigns?

Are Data Analytics Solutions really effective in optimizing Digital Ad Campaign? User web behavior is a key source of information for all companies s...