Integrated dashboards

Automated, integrated and interactive dashboards

Organizations across industries face several challenges such as changing consumer demographics, evolving consumer preferences, increasing competition and rising adoption of D2C and omni-channel approaches. To combat these challenges, companies are building capabilities in developing actionable insights on a real-time basis for quick decision making.

With TransOrg Analytics’ AI-enabled business intelligence, clients oversee the health of their entire company and understand how different components of revenue, sales, and media are interacting with each other at the most granular level.

What We Do

  • digital-analytics
    Stitching Data

    Unify data from multiple sources to create a single source of truth

    Convert unstructured data into structured data

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    Cleaning and Pre-Processing Data

    Identify and then treat data errors and anomalies such as removing null values, errors

  • mix-market
    Transforming Data

    Create additional business variables for precise data exploration

    Create unique IDs for each customer and retailer for de-duplication

  • trade-promotion-icon
    Building Integrated and Interactive Dashboards

    Analyze key metrics with visualizations across time-periods, brands, product categories and geographies.

Learn more about TransOrg’s value proposition solution methodology and implementation approach

Our Services Provide a Unique Range of Benefits

Critical insights on key metrics

Quick decision making and shortened turn-around time (TAT)

User friendly and interactive dashboards

Specific insights for specific users

Other Solutions

  • mix-market

    Trade Promotion Optimization

    Evaluate promotion effectiveness of trade promotions which helps in achieving business goal

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    Supply Chain Optimization

    Optimize inventory, logistics and distribution for resilient and efficient operations

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    Customer Analytics

    Get critical customer insights for personalized marketing, sales strategies and business growth

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    Market Mix Modeling

    Analyze marketing effectiveness at channel and campaign level to optimize marketing spends

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Case Studies